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Hacking Human Performance.
After several years of struggling to drive employee engagement and retention, improve leadership, build a meaningful culture, and finally increase EBIDTA, executives are on the edge to redesign the organization.
We live in a highly connected, fast-changing world, the digital technology now everywhere, is disrupting business models and change radically the workplace. And the rate of change has accelerated tremendously. To succeed in our career, in our businesses and finally in our lives, we have to come up wth practical answers to the following questions. And it’s all about People, Leadership, Culture, Drive, Learning, Design thinking, Changing skills, Digital Environment, work and passion.
1. How to strengthen, re-engineer, and improve organizational leadership. The nontraditional way.
2. How to shift a traditional structure to a functionally interconnected model with flexible teams, like a “network of teams” .
3. What is the perfect culture that increases EBITDA? How to shape it, and how to build a compelling, and meaningful work environment, in it. And definitely what drives people to shift to it.
4. How to integrate disruptive learning and digital training in the current flow of change offering a customized end-to-end designed learning experience?
5. How to develop new interventions, new apps, and new divergent tools that help make employees more talented, more passioned, more productive, more accountable by using the building codes of design thinking?
6. How to put human capital management professionals in charge at the executive level, with companies’ EBITDA, and how to hold them accountable for upgrading people’s competencies and drives?
7. How to integrate people analytics of the external reference from social networking platforms, employment brand data, hiring patterns, and demographics with internal reference data derived from neuroscience, like drivers and motivation models, attitude patterns, space, time and task management patterns, interest filters, social values, unconscious performance, role-models, etc. to predict workforce trends and target top talent?
8. And how to help business leaders and employee, shift to the digital mind-set of managing, organizing, and leading change? And how to revolutionize HR processes, systems, and organizations to adopt new digital platforms, apps, and ways of delivering HR services?
To answer some of these questions in a practical manner, we’ve created, UpAbility, a digital platform for HR and Human Capital Management professionals to access customized training, performance coaching, and performance profiling online tools. And two open partnership research and development programs, for peak performance and Flow and, cyber -risk preventive profiling.
Let’s take a short preview:
Up ability.
Hacking Human Performance.
Develop a community of high-performance leaders. with stronger drive and systemic values, with skills and knowledge for re-engineering excellence in business and career. Leaders who reach higher degrees of freedom, access unlimited potentials and co-evolve. Ecologically.
Call it performance. It’s about more money, and a place at the table, when you’re getting things done, effective and efficiently, together with your friends and teammates, knowing what is going on, and how to rule the shift, reach the goal and score high. And it’s about adventures, and quests, and passion, and gold medals, and thrill, and feelings. and emotions. and care. and whoo you are. What are your values, drives, attitudes, interests that makes you a winner. Bold, colored words of HEEPP. The Human Excellence Extensive Performance Profiling. A customized, online assessment, based on your explicit K P I.
The next generation, scientifically-endorsed, and corporate-tested, profiling system. A HEEPP, of 64 patterns of performance shift. For you.
Neurosurgical precision PERFORMANCE COACHING.
and achieving excellence. Match behavior with values. Learn from failure how to grow and succeed. Speak honestly and with positive intention. Make the most of every moment. Act accountable for your own thoughts, feelings, words and actions. Committed to make your dreams happen. Flexible to think and act differently. Better balanced between I Q and E Q, conscious and unconscious mind, words and actions.
To reach the goals and fulfill your higher intentions.
All At Coach. A provocative and uplifting coaching experience, using state of the art, online coaching assessment, like HEEPP, to guide your high-performance micro adjustments, for excellence.
Training, PLUS more.
From people skills, to leadership meta-skills. From neuro-linguistics, to constructal theory, and fractal development of human excellence. From reverse engineered models of performance, to patterns of geniuses, applied in human capital management. Delivered during intensive training, Hands-on, Interactive, 70:20:10, and customized. R O I oriented, and adapted financially. We call it Master Classes, and Certifying Training. They call it uplifting. And life changing. Training, plus more.
To DOWNLOAD TRAINING plus more CATALOGUE, click the link at the end of this video.
on FLOW.
When we ask executives during our research, how much more productive they were in the FLOW, than their average, the common report, is an increase of 500%.
so what is FLOW. Known as the zone, flow is a peak-performance experience involving vital challenge, high skills, precise intention and contained and channeled emotions. aligned with the task at hand. There is a sense of spontaneous rapture and cognitive ecstasy, that catapults a Flow-Rider to an exalted level, not usually in. FLOW transforms a weakling into a muscle man, a sketcher into an artist, a dancer into a ballerina, a plodder into a sprinter, an ordinary person into someone extraordinary. That’s why we pay to watch, read or be in the presence of FLOW. If quantified, you’d find it’s a major chunk of national GDP.
Everything we do, we do better in FLOW. And On Flow, the R&D program shared with our partners, develops simple tools to reach and increase FLOW time. and peak performance. A 500% performance. .
To join our sponsor and partner program access the link below.
I Risk.
Preventive Profiling, Reverse Social Engineering and CYBER-CRIME.
From Stakeholder’s Risk Assessment & Analysis, to Preventive Profiling, and Cyber Risk Education. From Reverse Social Engineering, and Crime Modeling, to Training Resilient Teams & Organizations, and Hiring cyber-security professionals. An R&D program decoding employees’ motivations, attitudes, values, and behaviors connected to cyber-security. Identifying and filtering human weakness that lessens cyber crime. An online tool, code name, i Risk.
These are main areas of UpAbility online platform and community. To join our partner Research and development program, To access a free performance coaching session , to DOWNLOAD the TRAINING plus more CATALOGUE, or to discover your performance profile with HEEPP, just click the links bellow.
And if you want to schedule a meeting for more info, or a commercial presentation, click the link or call our Support Team.
… Enjoy.
And Thank you.
[fruitful_dboxHEEPP texts[/fruitful_dbox]Congratulation! And thank you for finalizing HEEPP questionnaire.
Your Performance Profile as an entrepreneur or in career will contain the descriptive dynamics of your metaprograms or mental filters, which determine how you behave, based on how you think and what are you paying attention to during observation. Like speed of action, reflexivity, prioritization filters, evaluation and decision type of reference, task attitude, task of information and the size of the pieces of information you naturally think about, verbal or nonverbal preferred type of communication, work environment type, distribution of responsibility, time relationship sorting filter and cycle of change, McClelland’s motivational types, the internal process meta-programs while approaching a task , the time reference you tend to be in, the pattern of dealing with rules and social contracts, convincer patterns and interest filters.
After 3-5 days for calibration and processing, you will receive your performance profile based on HEEPP 48 in your email account. If you want a detailed report or more info concerning HEEPP applications in Human Capital Management, scientific background or a commercial presentation, please contact our Support Team, call CoEvolve Info-Line or just schedule a meeting.
Landing page
Online Platform & Community
HEEPP- The next generation, scientifically-endorsed, and corporate-tested, profiling system.
AtCOACH – Precise Performance Coaching using calibrated assessment to upgrade for Excellence.
TRAINING+more – Intensive, interactive, custom built, financially adapted, certifying meta-skills.
iRISK – Reverse Social Engineering, Preventive Profiling tool for Cybersecurity. A Research & Development Program
onFLOW – 500% Performance boost Research & Development Program.
To schedule a pitch presentation, get more info, or test the applications enter the access code.